Bihar Board 12th Result 2025: BSEB to release scorecards by THIS date; 5-steps to check at

Bihar Board 12th Result 2025: The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) will be releasing the Class 12 (BSEB Intermediate) results soon. The Bihar Board 12th Result 2025 scorecard will be declared by the end of March or by March 24, NDTV reported citing BSEB Chairman Anand Kishore’s statement. According to Shiksha report, topper interviews are ongoing as part of the final verification process.

Meanwhile, the Class 10 (Matriculation) results are expected in the first week of April. This, year, over 12.92 lakh students appeared for Bihar Board 12th exams. Once declared, candidates who appeared for Bihar Board 12th exam will be able to access their scorecard from the official website at boards, or

Bihar Board 12th Result: How to check

Follow the below mentioned steps to check Bihar Board 12th scores:

Step 1: Visit the official website at, or

Step 2: On the homepage, click on ‘BSEB Bihar Inter Result 2025’ link.

Step 3: The user will be directed to a new page.

Step 4: Enter the requisite credentials and click on submit.

Step 5: Your Bihar Board Inter Result 2025 will appear on the screen. Save and download result for future reference.

The evaluation process is complete, and the topper interviews have begun, according to a senior BSEB official. Essential login credentials needed to access Bihar Board 12th scorecard include roll number and roll code given in their admit card. To qualify the Bihar Board Intermediate Examination 2025, students will have to obtain atleast 30 percent marks in each subject and in total.

BSEB is among the first state boards to declare class 12 exam results every year. However, no official date has been released by the board regarding Bihar Board 12th Result 2025. Notably, Bihar Board Class 12 answer key was released on February 28 for 50 percent of the objective questions asked in the exam. Students could challenge Bihar Board Class 12 answer key till March 5.

The Bihar Board Class 12 Examination 2025 was conducted between February 1 and February 15 in two shifts. The first shift was from 9:30 AM to 12:45 PM while the second shift examination was from 2:00 PM to 5:15 PM.

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